~ Gift of Life ~

Several months after the loss of a healthy 4 year old son
sitting in my car beside a hidden lake
and thinking of the "unthinkable",
my ears picked up on the words to a song playing

"Holly Holy"

"touch a man who can't walk upright,
and the lame man he's gonna fly"

I didn't know at the time why it was this particular
song that caught my attention, or why it would bring
me back to a reality that I didn't want to face . . .
But 25 yrs. later, the very same date I would .

February 20,1994 I received a phone call at work
that was to make the next 9 mos. almost unbearable compared
to the loss of our 4 yr old son so many years before .

Our third son, had hit his head on the
windshield of his friends truck earlier, and refused
medical treatment after an accident on wet roads.

As he walked to his home that evening by the shortest
path, (railways), he sat down to smoke a cigarette,
not knowing he had a concussion and became unconscious .

God, Life, or his guardian angel, who may have
been our son Michael, was with him .

Someone heard his screams, and after almost 3 mos.
in the hospital and rehab, he left ALIVE,
but never to "walk upright" again .
And no, he was not aware of what that date meant .

One month later, their father's heart would give out
from the stress . And 6 mos. after that, our
youngest son, not being able to handle his brothers
accident or fathers death , would also lose
his legs while attempting to rid his pain .

"Be Still My Heart"


Yes it hurt's, every second of every day ,
to know you had this child/children,
and then to see what life has dealt them .
Needless to say, I love Life . . .
And I Thank Life, for allowing me
and my loved one's to live it . . .
every single day .

And yes, there's alot of "bittersweet" . .
but did you ever stop to think,
that if you didn't know the "bitter",
then how could you possibly know the "sweet" ?

I know how blessed I am to be here,
and I am honored and truly thankful,
even with all the "up's and downs"!

For me, Neil Diamond's music reached into those feelings
and emotions that I wanted so very much to forget . . .

"THANK YOU, Mr. Diamond" . . . I'm still here . . .

"I Feel, I Want, I Need"
beginning words to early
"I Am...I Said"

"Jonathan Livingston Seagull", is my favorite album of all time,
and the only one that every song is "enlightening", also
the graphics are really nice to see . . .

So Please, if by chance in your "surfing", you come
across any JLS wavs or mp3's,especially "BE",

I would so much enjoy,(I have in vinyl),
hearing the words and music again.

***UPDATE 08/18/00***
reworked 06/24/14
Ahhh, Life is soooo BEAUTIFUL ~ Thank You God/Life !!!

Dear Maureen, my words could never express my gratitude
or my love for this God giving bond we share in
your sequencing of some of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"
Much Agate Love given to you my dear friend.
. . ."Little Things (do) Mean Alot" . . .

Dear Friend...I saddly miss you, but
know you are with our friend, up
there in God's light ...

Dear Friends, please, if you haven't already
done so , PLEASE listen and view the journey of
"Jonathan Livingston Seagull" as he strives
to accompish something he knows in his being he can do.
Even after the "elders" have made him a lifetime
outcast, he learns what he must, to teach
the more open-minded flock.

~ ahhh, dear sweet Life ~

Also click onto the short meaningful story,(coming)
as it is a quest of "Life" from a different point of view
all could strive for . . .

This page and Neil Diamond's special gift of music,
is so others that may not know of him, will . . .

Hopefully, someday someone will visit and share
more of his mp3's or wav music I don't have .

~ Thank You For Visiting ~

In making these page's I have made many new friends
I would like to mention a few.
One is LuckyLadyToo,
who without her gentle persistance
this would still be just a thought.

The other is a very talented and generous
person from Spain also now with Jonathan
Carlos Ordas
who's version's
of Neil Diamond midi's are
just "outstanding".
Thank You so very much Carlos
who is now with Jonathan, for sharing your
"gifts" with me,
they are very special . . .


Never Forget
~ Today is Your "Present" From Life ~


~ This is my gift to you ~

Love, Peace & Happiness
May God Bless You Always

Your Friend,
~ Bonnie ~


~ Thought's For A Day ~

My dearly beloved Grandma Mattie Belle use to say,
"If everyone on a block, had their choice
of putting all their "woes" in a suitcase,
and were to put them in the middle of the street,
along with everyone elses to consider picking up,
do you know which one they would most likely pick up ?
Their's , and that is because,
those are what they are most familiar with . ."

Everybody has their problems, so don't think you are alone .
Just Do Your Best !

Much Agate Love To You !!


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