I know it is tradition,
To send your Mom a card,
For this special occasion.
But when you finish reading this,
You'll soon realize it's a card for you and I.
A card that says, You Are My Mother's Day Gift!

How can I express in mere words the gift you are to me,
From the first day you made your appearance in this world,
You wanted to be free, to fly to the stars and view the universe from the moon.
You were so eager to stand on your own,
Fearless and independent in exploring your new world.

Mom and Dad can take no credit for your many accomplishments.
The credit is yours.
Everything you have achieved has been because of your persistence and drive.
You are unique in every thing you do.
You are intelligent, and yet unsure.
Your beauty and grace come to you naturally.
Yet you're not afraid to play in the dirt and have some fun.

Your compassionate and loving spirit, draws others to you.
To list all you have done out of kindness, would be an endless task.
You not only understand the story of the Good Samaritan, You live it.
I have seen you pay for a strangers medicine, and not stop there,
But also buy the bandages for their burns.
You give your last dollar to the homeless man on the corner, without blinking an eye.
You are one of God's angels, sent to bless our lives.
Animals follow you, in complete trust of your tenderness and gentle spirit.
Showing infinite patience with all you meet.

And now that you have become a Mother yourself,
My respect and love for you overflows.
You're so much stronger than me.
In giving birth to Serena, I was in awe of you.
And the Love and Joy you show with my beautiful granddaughter, replenishes my soul.
You're the only one that can brighten my day.
And make me laugh when I'm on the verge of crying.

Author: Katerina
Dedicated To My Daughter Beth.
There is no other gift on God's Earth nor in His heaven,
that could bring me more joy than you have,.
since the day you entered my life...
I have been blessed with a special gift....and still am.
I love you my Monkey...