~The Key~

My heart beats, My lungs fill with air, My mind comprehends, But is this all there is to me? Where has my soul gone, The spirit that challenged all that life had to offer.

Somewhere along the path that I trod, pieces of me fell to the wayside, unbeknownst to me.. Until all was left was a gaping hole, A place where my soul use to be. I know where she is, That piece that makes me...me.

She's in that abyss, that hell she made in her mind. It's dank, and black as pitch,, It suffocates the life out of me, and leaves just the shell of what used to be.

I can see so plainly the key, in others that would set them free....and can point it out for them to see how they can be set free... But I cannot see my key. The one that would unlock these chains that bind my wings from taking flight, No matter how hard I look, There is no freedom in sight.

So I am tortured with memories, of my spirit soaring high above the mountains, among the stars in the heavens, higher than eagles dare, and never feeling fear or dispair.

I long to be set free of this madness that has crept silently into my life and destroyed me from within... And pray to God in heaven above, that He will help me find the key, and set my spirit free

by: Katerina