I Stood With Pride

I stood on this earth with head held high,
I was a child, son, student. I became Marine, husband, father, worker.
And then, grandfather and teacher.
I stood with pride.
There was no task I could not do.
No sacrifice was too high, fear I did not have.
I felt invincible, as though my soul could fly.
I stood with pride.
I honored my God, my family, and my country.
I stood with pride.
Time has now passed me by.
My body has aged and pain feels me from inside.
My lions roar no longer resides.
The dimming of my eyes, graying hair, with limbs that have lost their stride, and yet
I stood with pride.
I sit in darkness and silently cry,
For now I am but the shell of the man,
who so proudly.
stood with pride.
But feel no pity for me, my friends.
The Lord my God has been with me, right up to the end.
Now in Heaven with Jesus by my side.
Here in Heaven,
I stand with pride.
by: Wacoda