Making Love

As I watch you slowly undress,
My eye's behold the beauty of women,
That only GOD could create.
Your dark hair flows from your crown downwards, Caressing and curling across ivory shoulders.
Your eyes sparkle like twin stars in the heavens, With a light that shines from your soul.
And when you come to me in that special way, All my troubles just melt away,
As we reach for each other in love's anticipation.
Your embrace engulfs me like a soft, warm blanket, that surrounds my very being and when we kiss, "Oh!" that long, soft wet kiss, and our lips touch, sets my soul on fire.
As our bodies join, and our souls entwine, I feel wave after wave of passions delight coursing through my whole body. Sending my very soul up to Heaven, and then back to you.
When we make love,
This is what I feel with YOU.