Pain is,
Being Hurt by those who say, I love you! and yet, you dont know why.

Pain is,
Seeing your family members fighting and hurting one another.
And then to watch your family seperate, never to be seen again.

Pain is,
Growing up without your family around you.

Pain is,
Being told at age FIVE, that you will be placed in a school.
Where you will reside with no hope of ever having a NORMAL life.

Pain is,
Staring thru iron bars and wondering why your family members havent come to see you on visitors day.

Pain is,
In anger you put your hands and arms thru a wire pane glass window cutting yourself to the point of almost dying.
Only later to be ridiculed for making a fuckin mess.
And wasting 138 stitches.

Pain is,
Having people who are supposed to be in charge of keeping you safe.
But only to sexually attack you.
And then letting others do the same.
Afterwards to turn around and say "you are the bad person".
And it was all your fault.

Pain is,
Being allowed to finally go home with your family for the holidays after such a long time away from home.
But only for two days.
And then to be brought back later to Hell's Gate.
A long silent drive back. Never knowing why you must return to such a desolate and cruel place.

Pain is,
Knowing that you spent 10 years of your life locked up in a hell hole.
Unwanted by society or your loved ones.
And realizing that 10 years of your learning abilities have been squandered or stolen from your life.

Pain is,
Finally allowed to go home.
At age 15 sent to the 8th grade with no formal schooling before.
And to have to deal with other kids that constantly make fun of you. Laughing and ridiculing you for being slower or different.

Pain is,
Starting many things in life and never getting them completed or seeing them fail, leaving you empty inside.
Over and Over.

Pain is,
Working at a job for 27 years only to have the people you work for make a mistake that gets you hurt.
Then to have your job say to you..."IT'S NOT OUR FAULT".
And that you are just lazy and complain too much.
Five of my co-workers died that year.

Pain is,
Being told that after 27 years of good and loyal service.
That you are going to lose everything that you worked all of your life for.
And that it's your fault!
Due to your unwillingness to help in cooperating with the cover-up.

Pain is,
Seeing and feeling the hurt, pain, and helplessness in your family's faces.
As your job strips away your Life, your Pride, And your Dignity.
All the while your loved one's stand helplessly by.
All your Dreams melt away in a blur and you stand naked befor the world.

A Final Note....
At one time in my life I thought GOD should have just let me die. Or not even let me be born at all.
BUT... Thru all of the pain in my life.
I have come to learn one thing really Important...
GOD Has given me one of the greatest Gifts I could have ever had.

"" WISDOM ""
And with this gift I have been able to see the Good in all things.
I hold no grudges for my pain in life.
And due to my LORD'S Blessings and his love, I see the truth in all things.
From all of my pains in this life.
I have become a better person.
GOD Bless All Of You. And May You All Find Your Own GIFTS.
