When I See You

When I see you,
The first thing I see are your eyes when you come into view. They sparkle and shine with the very fire of your soul. As I gaze into your eyes my very being melts in their warm embrace.
When I see you,
Your smile sends my heart souring high above the clouds. Free from all boundaries,
Only to gently fall back to earth and into your awaiting arms and feel your beating heart next to mine.
When I see you,
When I kiss your soft warm lips.
The sensation stirs my inner being,
My desires and hot passions for you are set free to consume my very soul and leaves me breathless.
When I see you,
In my arms at night holding you close to me, skin to skin ever so gently.
Its like a warm summer breeze,
Kissing me ever so softly upon my body.
Slowly raising my own passionate heat for you to an internal fire that is all consuming.
When I see you,
Food nor drink shall I seek.
For you are the very essence of my being. With out you, I'm not whole.
And yet , I shall not hold too tightly.
For if doing so, should extinguish the very light of your soul. I would surely die and be tormented all my days and nights.
So my love,
When I see you,
I see all of this, And more than words can express. And knowing that you are there, Is all that I can ask for in this life time.
To be able to share that inner light with you is more precious than life itself.