Make Another Fairy Sig

The original post by:
Newsgroup: Gypsy Jewels Now known as Mslauralou
Date: 18 May 2001

Make a directory, and name it animate .. ano .. ani ... whatever.

This time I thought we could make it more interesting if you imported your own font.

So, start by going to ......


Pick a font, which you will copy and paste into your 'find' box, so you'll have it when needed.

I've broken our gif into frames.
(which I like to do at gifworks using the 'optimize' option)
Transload these into your new directory starting with number 1, and if you change the name keep it simple and in numerical order.






This is the one you're going to take to Image Magick to annotate.


After deleting the "http: from the URL box, paste this addy in and 'view'.

Once loaded, choose 'annotate'.

Okay ... this should work for you without much adjustment.
northwest = +105 +70
point size = 22
color = I used magenta
font =
this is where you copy the font you chose and paste it into the box just below the box with all the font choices.
(after deleting the http

Now .... go to IM and delete the http and paste in the URL of your directory, being sure to add the slash at the end.
( should look like this ~~

~~ only it will be YOUR directory)

Once it's loaded, choose 'output'
then 'gif'
'multiframe file'
loop = 0 delay = 50

Click here to see mine (done by Wolfy)

Back to the Index

NOTE:Take the number 6 frame to IM and annotate it before you transload it to your directory.