Gif With Animated Words

Newsgroup: Gypsy Jewels Now known as Mslauralou
Date: Sun, Jun 3, 2001
From: Lee723

This is basically the same way the Animated Banner is made except it is transparatized at the end because I discovered it would not work on a clear gif. The words were doubling and not flashing separately.

I will use all numbers and words as mine was made.
Of course you will change dimensions to suit your gif and words if need be.

Use a background of a color that is not in your gif
I used limegreen.
Sized it 125x100.

Now get the address for the Angel

Composite the angel

Now, Annotate
I used - "You Have Mail"
putting the words under each other in the box
Text - "royalblue"
Font size 20
Font style Hancock
Go down to Rotate and use -30

Single File

Upload to your subdirectory.

Now go back to Image Magick and put the background back in with the composited angel
Put in all the same figures as the first one except the words will now say
"From Lee"

Here's a shortcut:
I use my "back" button to get to the same spot where I annotated the first one and just have to erase the words You Have Mail and leave everything the same and then Annotate - upload etc.

Isn't that cool?

Saves a lot of work of starting it from scratch again.

Now you have 2 gifs in your subdirectory.

Go back to Image Magick and now put in the url of the sub-directory.
In my case it was:

Notice the slash after Misc.

That's important.

Scroll down and put in the Delay box 100
Loop -0.

That's it.

Output and take it to Gifworks Optimize
Transparatize the background
Upload to your subdirectory.

You can now delete the first 2 gifs and keep the final one.

Good luck.

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