AnimationsGroup: Gypsy Jewels Now known as Mslauralou Date: Wed, May 30, 2001 From: *Stardrops* The make sure 2 animated gifs are animating at the same speed: Take the ani to gifworks In the optimize jumpbox Click "Split Frames". That shows how many frames are in your gif to see if the two match. Now, once there, if one image has say, 7 frames and the other one has say, 5 frames Take only 5 of the frames from the one with seven and transload each them into a temporary subdirectory Name it something like temp That will give the "temp" subdirectory the address of Now take that subdirectory url to IM. Click on "View" Click "output" and output it as a gif~! Now you have made the 7 frame gif into a five to match the number of frames of you other gif~! To make your own 5 frame gifTransload each frame to a subdirectory for them only Naming them 1.gif to 5.gif Then take the subdirectory URL to IM and output it EXAMPLE: ((not a real sub)) In that sub would be the five frames.. Output it as a gif Clipboard and WHEEEEee, you have made an animated gif~!! ((each frame has to be the same in width x height)) |