Making a Doll Wreath

Newsgroup: Gypsy Jewels
Date: Thu, Jul 5, 2001
From: Mary (Mimi)

I made this wreath this morning.

Take the address (URL) for the wreath to Image Magick

Put in the address (URL) for the wreath and click VIEW

On the next page:
Put in the color you want and click on the center of the wreath.
(I Filled the center with a color ---#fae8fa)

On the next page,
Click on ENHANCE
I put # 80 in the box
Click on the hue button

On the next page, click on the COMPOSITE tab at the top of the page

Put in the address (URL) for this doll in the box.

GRAVITY = Southwest
LOCATION = +42+40
Click the Composite button

On the next page click on the ANNOTATE tab at the top of the page

Type your name in the box
FILL COLOR = purple
FONT = arenski lengyar italic

Click on the Annotate button

On the next page, click on the COMPOSITE tab at the top of the page

Put in the address (URL) for the blinking stars

GRAVITY = Northwest
LOCATION = +60+100
Click on the PLUS setting (instead of Over)
Click on the Composite button

On the next page, click on the COMPOSITE tab again.

On the next page put in the address (URL) for the stars again.
GRAVITY = Southeast
LOCATION = +85+65
Click on the PLUS
Click on the Composite button

Click on the COMPOSITE tab on the top of the page

GRAVITY = Northeast
LOCATION = +85+65

Click on the PLUS in the drop down box

On the next page, click on OUTPUT

Mahe sure either GIF or JPG is clicked
Click on Output

On the next page, click on the top image

And Transload


Anyone who wants to use the wreath---feel free to. You can get a lot of nice colors with the hue or leave it the color it is now and just add a color of your choice in the center.

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