Putting your page in a Table

At this point, I choose to put my page in a table. The reason for this is so that if computer users view the page, the page will be displayed in the Center of their monitor. So, this step is purely a personal choice.

The code to put the page in a table, comes right after your body tag.

<center>table border="0"  width="560"><tr><td><br><br><br>

(560 is the maximum width for MSNTV browsers)

Your code will look like this:

<html><head><title>Your Title Here</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white"  text="navy"  link="darkred"  vlink="darkgreen">
<center><table border="0" width="560"><tr><td><br><br><br>

Notice that after this string of codes, I have used 3 <br> tags. I use the <br> in place of the <P> tags. And I use them after the Table tags, to give me some space below the Tripod banner.

Now, if you want to make a Heading, that is a "title" to begin your page, here is how you do it:

<center> (the command to place the heading in the center of your page) <bb> (the command for BOLD) <i> (the command for ITALICS <h2> (the command to make the print larger) Putting your page in a Table

Now you need to close the commands, always closing them in the opposite order you first wrote them.</h2></i></b></center><br><br>

 <center><b><i><h2>Putting your page in a Table</h2></i></b></h2>

At this point I choose to make my text larger than the normal default setting.

<font size="3"> (the size of text I have used on this page). Again this is strictly a personal preference.

Here is the entire code so far:

<html><head><title>Your title here</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white" text="navy" link="darkred" vlink="darkgreen">
<center><table border="0" width="560"><tr><td><br><br><br>
<center><b><i><h2>Your Heading Here</h2></i></b><br><br><br>
<font size="3"> Now you type out what you want to have on your page. 

At the end of each paragraph, I put 3 <br> tags, to give me 3 lines between the paragraphs.

Now to the closing of your page