Zodiak Gif

First go to this page of Signs:


Now use Cut Copy and Paste to get the address of the page

Go to Gifworks

Click on FILE

On the next page, DELETE the "http://" that is already in the box and Paste in the address for the Signs

On the next page, click on EDIT
Then click on CROP

You will see the page of Signs displayed, with the "highlight" box around it
Hit "Return" and the arrow will be "activated"
Use yur "arrow" keys to move the big arrow to the UPPER LEFT corner of the image you want
Hit Return

Now, you will see the Signs page again, but you will see a line going from the top of the page to the bottom
That will show you where the left side of the mage you chose will be
Now, click on the "highlighted" page again.
Move the big arrow to the place where you wantthe LOWER RIGHT corner of your ew image to be
Click Return

On the nex page you will see your new image
Click on FILE
Click on SAVE

On the next page, scroll down until you see "Save Image" box.
Right belw that you will see, "WebTV Users"
And right under that in white, you will see CLICK HERE
Click tere

Now Transload to your site

This is what I chose

Now get the address for this new image, and the address for a bar.
I chose this bar

Now go to Image Magic

Put in the address for your Sign
Click on VIEW

When the image comes up, at the top of the page, click on COMPOSITE

In the URL box, put in the address for the bar you have chosen
In the COMPOSE box, click IN
Scroll down and make sure the "Tile across and and down the image" is checked
Go up to "Press to Compose" and click there

On the next page, click on OUTPUT tab at the top of the page

On the next page:
Click on the OUTPUT button

I thought it was blinking too fast, so I hit my back button
I then scrolled down to the DELAY box and put in 100
In the LOOP box, I put in 0
Then scrolled back up a little way and clicked on the OUTPUT button again

Click on the top image

Transload to your site

This is the result I got:

A big Thank you to MOON DOGEE for posting the page of Signs, and another big Thank You to JON for explaining how to isolate the image I wanted.

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