The store was started in 1974 by Tote and Pina Guilot. It started by selling bananas, vinagar and bagoong.
After Tote's death in 1991, Pina managed the store with part.
time help from Lelia. In 2003, Lelia stopped her teaching job to become the full time manager of the store. The products in the store steadly increased and offered cakes, puto and kutsinta. In 2006 Ron joined the stores staff. Also 2006 the store aquired a computer and was able to start services such as printing, copying, and scanning. It also allowed to sell greeting cards, calling cards and other printed items. It was the year to sell toys, and school supplies. The year 2007 brought a new larger store. A dining area was added to the 2nd floor veranda in May of 2009, for the customers to enjoy refreshments. It is also available for meetings and parties, seating between 15-20 people.