Named at Birth: Matilda
TM851870/01 (8-93)
TM859424/11 (2-94)

Matilda, Mama's Baby Doll, today a week ago, I held your little head in
my hands and rubbed your face and big brown eyes. They were all wet and
you just looked at me. The Vet had you then in his arms and said "Fran, she is gone".
I used to tell you when I left the room to "wait a minute" and you always did until I returned. This time I forgot to tell you in those words. I wonder if you could have heard me then as you were dying? I screamed, she cannot go unless I go. But I guess "Tilda", God was in control last Sunday as He is at all times and you left me baby. Oh how much I loved you more than life and mama feels she cannot live without you. "Wait for Me" baby.

(Her sad eyes full of love seemed to tell me her thoughts and this is
what I imagined she would have told me)
Mama, from you I never wanted to leave and I remember if you had to go to a Dr. you always left your gown or piece of your clothing so I would feel you near.
You always left the TV on cartoons thinking I might not be afraid. And
the last thing you did was leave me a jerky stick in case I got hungry
but I never ate it while you were gone. Then you gave me a kiss and said "wait a minute"...
Never in my life did you ever spank me even with a paper. I do not remember you ever scolding me even as a baby. You watched my health and if anything looked wrong you called or took me to the Vet.

You treated me like a Queen as you always said I was to you. This last
time I did not give you but only one night and half of a day warning or
sign for you to know how sick I was. I remember that last night how you
sat in the middle of bed with me and you brushed me for so long and I
tumbled all over for you to brush more and tickle me. I remember you
even kissed my little belly. Then I woke you up at 3:30 in the morning
so sick throwing up and you washed my face with a warm cloth and kissed
my lips. But I got off the bed again and kept being sick and you called
and left emergency message to my Dr. and he came to our home and took me to his office and found the reason I was so sick and when he told you I remember how you cried and screamed for him to make me well.
But mama, it was too late. My little body had pancreatitis and he said I was diabetic and I had a bad heart.
Please take care of yourself because I am not there to lick your hurt foot or hand anymore. Just remember how much I loved you too.
Your Baby Doll Matilda from God's Rainbow Bridge.


This background was created by Marvaline exclusively
for Fran and her deeply beloved Matilda.