Are We Letting Our Light Shine In Our Life
So Others May See Jesus Through Us?

We can memorize all the scriptures
Have all the Bibles we can reach
But do we obey what is written
And do we practice what we preach?
We can talk far and wide
Proclaiming our love for Christ
But what have we given Him
When for us He gave His life?
We can lecture our sisters and brothers
About the wrong things they do
But before we look at others
Do we examine our lives too?
We can damn all the sinners
Tell them they're headed south
But what have we done lately
To witness for our Lord about?
We can call ourselves a Christian
Spend time and money for a mission
But while we are busy and on the go
Have we been saving another soul?
We can boast of our good deeds
And tell others what we have done
But the Bible says to plant good seeds
Then to non-believers we have won
We can memorize the Bible thru
Know it from front to back what to do
But if we do not use it's teachings
How can we to others, God be reaching
As I pray to live each day His way
Would you with Jesus, come with me to stay???

Author: © Fran G. October 7, 2010
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