Some folks think I'm over the hill,
But I ain't cause I'm climbing still.
The Lord will decide when I am to drop,
For until He is ready, I ain't going to stop.
Some may think my get go got up and went,
My good days on earth are already spent.
But that is an idea, I'm not going to buy,
I may not get it done, but I'm sure going to try.
My memory might not be as good as it has been,
But there's alot I remember of way back then.
Not many of the bad ones, I've laid them away,
But the good ones are what keeps me going today.

Whatever the future holds doesn't concern me much,
Cause me and my Lord Jesus, we keep in touch.
Cause I know I don't handle everything myself,
He is always there for me when I seek His help.
One thing I know I can look forward to,
When I get to Heaven I can start anew.
Of that I'm assured I have no need to fret,
On earth I reckon the Lord ain't through with me yet.
I'm going to keep plugging as long as I can go,
Just how long that will be I have no way to know.
But one thing I'm sure of, and that is for certain,
When the Lord calls me, there will be no hurtin'.
Author Jack Young Copyright © February 8, 2012

Midi Playing: "Face To Face" Compliments of Higher Praise.
This not for profit webpage created by Marvaline
12 February 2012
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