The Christ Child born,
On that first Christmas day,
Has never really left us,
He is with us yet today.
His love still remains,
Just like it was then,
When sent by His Father,
To walk among men.
Tho in person, He on earth,
Didn't stay with us for long,
He left behind HIs Spirit,
That still remains strong.
He was sent by His Father,
With but one goal in mind,
To offer Himself up,
To redeem all mankind.
He suffered and died,
On that old rugged cross,
To redeem lost sinners,
Who were wandering and lost.
Let us all remember,
And have not one doubt,
That precious Baby born that day,
Is what Christmas is all about.
Please remember when you
Wake up on Christmas Day,
Tell Jesus how grateful we are,
For His coming our way.
Author Jack Young Copyright © December 16, 2010

Midi Playing: "O Holy Night
This not for profit webpage created by Marvaline
23 December 2011
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