Before I met Jesus
As a friend to behold
My life was a mess
My existence was cold

I was grasping at straws
I was in the depths of despair
The depression was crippling
I had nothing good to share

I said one word only
The only word I could say
I mustered up the word "Help"
And directed it HIS way

Since that day of truth
I've never been the same
I knew to call on Jesus
And He lifted the pain

I still feel human emotions
At times I fear I cry I falter
But I know where to go
To the throne...HIS altar

The depths of despair
Is no longer in me
I know who is capable
Of setting me free

Free from the darkness
That envelops the soul
If we don't turn to the one
Who can make us whole

Who can light up our face
With a smile and a glow
Who can surround our life
With His heavenly host

Who can calm our heart
With His presence and love
Who can brighten our spirit
With all things above

He makes problems that seem so large
Seem so small indeed
Just as long as we remember
To lay them at His feet

Life without Jesus
Wasn't life at all
I'm forever grateful
He answered my call

My one word prayer
The only word I could say
I mustered up the word "Help"
And directed it HIS way

© Mary Silva
June, 2005


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