Above the clouds
Above the stars
Beyond where the eye can see

Is the highest heaven
Where our God lives
Yet He can see you and me

He knows when we sit
He knows when we stand
He knows what we think about

He knows what we need
He knows what we want
He knows what we can do without

He fights our battles
In the spiritual realm
He calms the nature within

He walks us through
The path of life
He helps us say "NO" to sin

Just turn to Him
With all our needs
That's all we need do

He will take over
He'll control the reins
And walk us all the way through

Just trust in Him
Know He's God
And victory is yours for sure

The greatest of things
Are done through Him
And the greatest is a heart so pure

Purity of heart
Purity of love
Purity of trust in Him

Let go of self
Let go of the world
Let go of all that's sin

Walk with HIm hand in hand
To the highest of the heavens
To the promised Land

You'll make mistakes
You'll stumble and trip
But He'll never let you down

You won't fall to your death
You won't plunge into the abyss
So long as your hand is in His

© Mary Silva
March, 2005

The most beautiful cross and the
drape background can be found in:

Heartistic Expressions


Guest Book

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