I pray you know what this Holiday is about,
It's not just celebrating and having company.
Or cooking hotdogs and hamburgers on the the grill,
It is because of those who served to keep us free.
So many times they have had to go far away,
To fight for this Freedom that we enjoy.
And far too many did not come back home,
And the guns that they used were no toys.

We owe them a debt we cannot repay,
And they don't even expect us to.
They all did what needed done willingly,
And they did it to protect me and you.
Old Glory is still waving free in the wind,
And we need to pray that forever it will be so.
We should take time today to give them our thanks,
For the Freedom that we all now know.

This Country of ours is truly one of a kind,
And will be thus always, if we want it to.
But without the support of our Warriors,
We couldn't salute the Red, White and Blue.
Please take time today to pray for the USA,
And ask God to keep us forever free.
And to bless all those who have given their all,
So that is how it is and forever will be.
Author Jack Young Copyright © June 27, 2011

By the Grace of our God, the best Country in the world.

Special thanks to Jack Young for allowing me to use his meaningful and heartfelt poem. Jack writes beautiful christian poetry. If you would like read more of Jack's poems, you'll find his work featured at "Heaven's Heart"; which is devoted exclusively to Jack's poems. You will find his insightful work both comforting and encouraging.
Photography used from FreeMilitaryPhotos.com
Midi "USA National Anthem" Compliments of CountryGirl
This not for profit webpage created by Marvaline
4th July 2011
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