I was sitting on a bench,
With hubby by my side.
Drinking in the ocean view,
Feeling nothing much inside.
When along came a sparrow,
This little guy so small.
Landed right in front of me,
And strutted as though tall.
Back and forth with pride,
He strode there at my feet.
Then he flew upon a fence,
And paused to look at me.
He then flew away,
As quickly as he came.
But since that moment,
Life's never been the same.
When I feel down and out,
When things aren't going well.
I think of that little sparrow,
How he brought me from my shell.
God loves that little guy,
God sent him to me that day.
To show me how much He loves me,
Through his promenade.
My heart was instantly calmed,
My spirit rose and soared.
As that little sparrow strutted,
I knew how much I'm loved.
God feeds and clothes what's His,
He watches over all.
He's promised all that's good,
When on His name we call.
He touched me with His promise,
I don't need to fret for tomorrow.
He loves me even more,
Than He loves the little sparrow.
Author Mary Silva Copyright © June, 2005
A special thanks to my friend Mary Silva for allowing me to reprint her wonderful poem. Please be sure to visit Mary's website, "Whispered Winds" for more wonderful Christian poetry and much more that you'll enjoy. |
Midi Playing: "Trust In The Lord"
Compliments of New Hope Music Copyright © Michael L. Jester
Photos used to create the graphics for this page from
Northrup Photos © Tony Northrup Photography.
(The header graphic of Rock Sparrow, per the website.)
This not for profit webpage created by Marvaline
15 May 2011
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