Citizens at large

     After I launched my website on 9/17/12 someone send it to times reporter Jeff Klinkenburg.


He contacted me and expressed an interest in writing an article based on my Rattlesnake Florida website.

     I did a web search looking for articles and books that he had written.

It was then that I had great reservations about helping him, you see I had all the newspaper articles and photographs.

I was dead set on not helping him at first, let him dig up his own material.

This was MY 15 minutes

     But then I thought about the Granddaughter, who inspired me to make the website so the world would not forget about her Grandparents and what they had accomplished.

     You see Jeff has quite an imagination and a flair for the dramatic with the American language, it is called embellish
Although I finally let him use all the photographs and newspaper articles sent to me from the granddaughter,--he did use some of it--and quoted two sources I did not know about or tell me about, but did link my website to HIS article.

     I told him that he had mis-spelled the first name of George Ends wife, which is Ginnie, but still printing Jenny

     He grouped all snake bites in Florida with the Great Eastern Diamondbacks, the most venomous snake in the country, even more deadly than the Indian King Cobra

     I guess thats why he has been a reporter for the Saint Pete Times for the past 35 years, and I had a difficult time passing American English in high school.

Write a 500 word essay on why you like to drink beer --- My essay would say "DUH"

Doug Bertrand