Let me first tell you that I live where the once and now forgotten Rattlesnake Florida was.

Wanting to know more about it I went on an internet search, and found conflicting articles.
It seemed no one actually knew were it was located, especially George K Ends Rattlesnake Cannery, U.S Post Office, novelty store, and bar.
In later research the fact of the matter is, I live just 50 yards from where it was located.
The corner of Bridge St. and Gandy Blvd.
If I look out my window looking North, I can visualize seeing the rear of the cannery

As luck would have it I received an email from the Granddaughter of George K End and Ginnie End,---An End McQuaig.---

After reading a query of mine on the internet, AN said she would help me in any way she could, that she is proud of what her Grandparents accomplished, and wanted the world not to forget them.

She sent me over 30 news paper articles and photographs to use on the website, that had never been on the internet, now you can't beat that kind of info to build a website with.

I also located Mr. Edward Larcom in Port Tampa, who with this sons have operated a Automotive Garage since 1963

Ed told me he came to Port Tampa in 1943, and asked me were I lived, I told him on the corner of Bridge St. and McElroy, and he remarked just look out your window to the north and that is where it was, so thats how I now know.

An End McQuaig, Daughter of Richard End gave me permission to include her cell phone number
Her cell number is 904-814-0815

Her Uncle Daans name is pronounced Don

The original family name was Daane and was pronounced Donna.
The Family is from----Holland----



The website made it’s debut on 09/17/2012.