The Dead Cat Strategy

Let us suppose Trump is losing an argument. The facts are overwhelmingly against him, and the more people focus on the reality the worse it is for Trump and his case. His best bet in these circumstances is to perform a manoeuvre that a great campaigner describes as throwing a dead cat on the table, There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the table, everyone will shout, Jeez, there’s a dead cat on the table!

In other words, they will be talking about the dead cat the subject Trump wants them to talk about and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing them so much grief.

And while all this is going on his dozen 01/01/2018 tweeks that has everyone's attention plus a book called Fire and Fury later in the week and now the budget with the wall attached (frig the wall for now)

He is fulfilling the GOP's agenda while [under the radar for most Americans] stuffing the Federal Courts with conservative Judges with the same ideology to the bench [a lifetime appointment].
Especially worrisome is the Federal district court of appeals where 99.9% of all important Judicial decisions are made
[they can even shape the laws]

Trump already has 12 Judges confirmed led by (R) Chairman Senator Grassley's Senate hearings, more than any other Presidents first year in office with 40 more in the pipeline waiting to be confirmed with 100 Judicial seats still to fill.
These Judges may be around for 30 years or more.

The Republicans already control the Supreme Court after Mitch McConnell refused to convene a hearing for Obama's nominee Merrick Garland until after the 2016 election. Then the new President Donald Trump nominates the controversial appointment of Neil Gorsuch.
Not only should Liberals and Conservatives who are moderate in their ideology worry, but the whole world.
The last time the Republicans controlled the White House, the Congress, and Senate was when George W. Bush was president, and we all know how that turned out

Bush, George W. (R) - 8 yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences and this country and the world was close to being bankrupt from the prime time mortgage fiasco , add in a couple of wars for good measure

Trump apparently has an endless supply of dead cats, seemingly able to conjure them from insignificant news stories and throw them on the boardroom table by way of an angry tweetstorm. The media loves this because they know that people eat it up, whether they’re Trump supporters who share his rage or critics who are repeatedly appalled by his antics.