City Folk vs Country Folk

I want rural America to see that it isn't city folk vs. country folk… It is the wealthy vs. everyone else.

I want rural America to consider this: please consider coming home again to the Democratic Party. Let us -together- build a better Democratic Party. One that really is for the worker. One that will finally make the real wealthy elites fear and respect us again. I know you're not stupid hicks. You're good people who've been pushed over the brink.

It's important to understand though that the wealthy are not really going to build places of work here again. The Republicans have merely made us believe in a pipe dream. They've allowed the Pharmaceutical industry to charge whatever they want for too long. They've made healthcare too expensive for anyone but themselves. They've allowed Big Insurance to spin the rules so much that it barely pays for anything anymore. They sent manufacturing overseas so they could have cheap $1 per hour, no-benefits employees. A few tariffs will not change this. Now, the Republicans are quietly selling off our public lands and are allowing coal ash to be dumped into rivers and streams again (not caring about how we water our livestock or how some of us drink). I say… Time's Up.

Mother Earth was the only thing any of us common people had to give to our children as an inheritance.
The Republicans are working on killing it too.

Enough. The Republican Party is only about helping the wealthy become super-wealthy. They are not our friends. They are not for us. They don't care about us. Don't buy into their picture of making America great again. It's a shameful scam.

We are actually in the middle of a political cold war. And the Republican Party knows this is their last stand so they are firing all cannons. But they will not help us.
They will help themselves.

Regulations are FOR the common man. Unions and environmental protection are too. Enough. Enough puffery. Enough hot air and empty promises. Just. Plain. Enough.