What did the millions of people do that lived in North America for thousands of years before the Europeans started floated ashore. Did they greet them with open arms at first not realizing it would be genocide for them as the immigrants claimed the land for European Kings and Queens

Native Americans Attempt To Expel Illegal Immigrants

Donald Trump believes people walking across the Mexican border from South America are uneducated, not an asset to our country and someday in the future may even join a gang that steals, sells drugs, rape, and murder much like the immigrants that passed thru Ellis Island from 1892 to 1954

twelve million immigrants entered the United States thru Ellis Island and many would make terrible citizens like the Italian mafia ~ Irish mafia etc. that steal, sells drugs, rape, and murder

How did your family get here? My French family arrived in New France (Quebec) in 1691. then entered upstate N.Y. in 1851 from Quebec Canada

My gggrandmother is Mohawk, I still have cousins on the Mohawk res in upstate New York - St. Regis