Magicians Everywhere know to keep your focus on the wrong thing, so they can pull off the “magic" where you're not looking. It’s absurd to think that the “arms” that we can afford will protect us from the tyranny of the mightiest military the world has ever known. Get over that fairy tale ASAP. Because over there, where you're not looking, are the greedy swamp rats sucking the last gasping breath from our Democracy.
It's voting, not guns, that is the only threat to the tyranny of our government. Stop worrying about the government taking away somebody’s guns, and start worrying about the government taking away somebody’s right to vote.

The vote is the only weapon that tyranny fears.

Getting a photo ID so you can vote is easy. Unless you’re poor, black, Latino or elderly.

"How much have democrats taken from the gun industry?

In the Congress House and Senate:

In 2018: $19,500 / Republicans have received $569,057

In 2016: $106,241 / Republicans received $5,604,329.

NRA spent $30 million getting Trump elected so of course no calls for tougher gun laws

In 2014: $89,894 / Republicans received $3,186,084

Who were the top recipients in 2016?

Ted Cruz (R-TX): $362,103

Marco Rubio (R-FL): $176,030

Paul Ryan (R-WI): $171,977

Note that Ryan (and some Republicans below him)
received more money individually than all the Democratic candidates did taken together.

The largest Democratic recipients were:

Henry Cuellar (D-TX): $12,099

Collin Peterson (D-MN): $12,000

Tim Walz (D-MN): $9,000

Duncan Hunter (D-CA): $8,350

Ron Kind (D-WI): $6,500

Sanford Bishop (D-GA): $6,000

Martin Heinrich (D-NM): $4,250

Joe Manchin (D-WV): $3,000

Joe Donnelly (D-IN): $2,500

So, generally, Democrats receive 2%-3% of what the Republicans receive from gun interests."