What in the hell do Hillary and Barack have to do with Donald J. Trump's Presidency anyway? They are not running for office or in Congress or illegal immigrants from shit hole places like Mexico / Haiti or Africa
How many more times are Trump and his tribe going to kick a dead horse?

Voters believed 24 years of Republican propaganda, and slander about Hillary Clinton and 8 years of Obama without any evidence.

The last time I check Teflon Don was President, not Hillary or Obama

Trump has told over 10,000 lies and untruths as of April 2019
Is his base counting along with the rest of us - or maybe their eyes haven't opened yet

Donald Trump is a loud, outlandish real estate tycoon from New York City who loves publicity and ripped off contractors, customers, tenants and banks equally. He and his father were sued for race discrimination in not renting to African-Americans in their rental properties. Builders and contractors renovating and maintaining his properties were told to sue him when he stopped paying them. American banks refused to lend him any more money because he defaulted and declared bankruptcy six times.

40% of America believe he's the greatest thing since sliced bread
60% don't

Donald Trump will not be the president forever but his racist, bigoted, sexist, white supremacist supporters will be. His supporters? Honestly, I think he understands their support for him when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue in N.Y.C. and nothing would happen to him, he could be caught in bed with a live boy, a dead girl, a transgender person, and a half-eaten kitten or puppy, his favorite lamb, and they would still support him.

Birds of a feather flock together they say, what's scary is these Americans have always been here and the next president liberal or conservative will have to contend with them SCARY, AND FRIGHTENING "EH"

How Conservatives Treated President Obama