What felonies would Hillary Clinton be charged with if the FBI and the DOJ were honoring their mandates and oaths and our trust? Answer


I don’t know whether the media in your alternate universe covered this, but Hillary Clinton was subjected to almost unprecedented scrutiny by a Republican-controlled Congress during her tenure as Secretary of State. Remember the days-long public grillings by Trey Gowdy’s 2/1/2 year Benghazi oversight committee? Right—didn’t think so. But you can rest assured that if there were probable cause to believe that there was any—any—criminal wrongdoing on her part it would have resulted in a referral to the US Attorney for DC. Also, the Republican-controlled House could have impeached her, where the Republicans in control of the Senate would have had at least a chance of removing her from office.

So the fact that all these years—years—of Congressional inquiry led to neither referral nor impeachment is conclusive proof that there was no evidence of criminal acts.