What is it like to live in the United States under Donald Trump?

Donald Trump is the worst president I’ve lived under, and I am 80. As many have stated, he simply doesn’t have the mind for the job. I thought that after he was elected he might choose to become the president of all the people. Unfortunately, that has not come to pass. He really is a narcissist. He’s only in it for himself. He’s not even in it for his base. In fact, he uses his base to get what he wants and massage his tender ego. But, what is worse than Donald Trump is the tribalism that has come to the surface because of him. The rise in hate is more than sad. It’s a travesty.

62,979,879 voted for Trump, 65,844,954 voted for Clinton 70,000,000 did not vote for anyone, the worst voter turnout for a Presidential election in history.

It's changed how I feel about my country. I honestly didn't think this could happen here. It's changed my view of the Republican Party, to see how they've fallen into a lockstep behind this man. It's changed how I feel about my neighbors. (This was the worst, by far, the day after the election, when I was literally in shock, and couldn't look at anyone, anywhere without a feeling of suspicion and rage: Did YOU vote for him?)

It's changed how I feel about the right-wing media, from annoyance and irritation to fear and loathing, having now seen the overwhelming power of propaganda, and a feeling of impotence to fight against it. It's changed how I feel about the Evangelical Christian community, from a quirky variant of Christianity to a malevolent force for evil. It's changed my perception of humanity in general, to see how easily people can be reduced to mindless, tribal allegiances, and how to hate and fear Trump's tolerance and love.

Among the more outspoken of conservative and religiously involved people I see on a face-to-face basis, the intensity of anger and bitterness toward my America I hear coming out of their heads is gut-wrenching. I can see a Nazi party from the so-called do ultra-conservative ideologues. The USA had evolved into several nations, we have become tribal and ferocious with each other. Many speak of politicians from the other tribe with a ferocity of hatred that would equate more realistically to someone who’d broken into their house and dismembered their pets. Yet, the rage is justified on the basis of what these public figures represent, their ideologies rather than any specific harm. As I listen to what these people have to say, what I feel is the school shooter mentality being expressed.

Probably the worst part is that all the disgusting, racist, sexist, revolting people have come out of hiding. They think that because Trump won that they have been vindicated, and somehow has a license to be their sick self in public whereas before they had to hide their deplorable behavior in the name of being “politically correct.” They seem to delight in their bright red hats and Confederate flags, using racial slurs is far more common and every time you call them out on it they start carrying on about how you’re a “snowflake.”

America is now hated and laughed at around the World. From withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, to threatening NATO and our NATO allies, to praising Putin and other world dictators, to imposing nonsensical tariffs, Trump has relinquished America’s role as the leader of the free world, and relegated the U.S. to the new role of a laughingstock that can’t be trusted. And then there’s bashing the free press, bashing law enforcement, bashing the judicial system, insulting and threatening everyone and everything that don’t agree with him. Trump is tearing the country apart to the point that I truly believe a civil war is in the offing if he is allowed to continue to serve. Yeah, other than that, everything is just ducky in the old U.S.A.

I don't know what else to add. At age 80, there has been no day in my life that has changed who I am and how I feel about the world as much as Nov. 8, 2016, a day that for me, will live in infamy.