The NRA / Donald Trump / Logic

The NRA believes that if everyone had a gun those with mischief on their mind would stay home and behave

Donald Trump believes training 1 million school teachers how to use a handgun will prevent 95% of these tragedies from happening

5% are shooters that want to commit suicide by police fire

Let's use the NRA logic in old western movie towns like Abilene / Deadwood / Dodge City / Tombstone etc

Most of us have watched these movies where everyone has a gun and there is absolutely no violence , sleepy little towns where the men are on porch rockers swapping stories , the women are shopping in the general store for material to make another dress , children are playing on mainstreet , dogs sleeping in the shade as well as everyone watching these movies , this is what the NRA wants you to believe

Wyatt Earp with 2 brothers and Doc Holliday went to meet the Clantons at the OK corral in Tombstone to exchange cookie recipes

Is this what you see when watching these movies or is it the complete opposite

Dream on NRA and Donald Trump because your logic is not reality


What in hell does Hillary and Barack have to do with Donald J. Trump's Presidency anyway? their not running for office or in Congress or illegal immigrants from shithole places like Mexico / Haiti or Africa How many more times is Trump and his tribe going to kick a dead horse?

The NRA spent $30 million getting Trump elected so of course no calls for tougher gun laws

Voters believed 24 years of Republican propaganda, and slander about Hillary Clinton without any real evidence.

Hillary Is Not The President

Trump has lied 3000 times and we are still counting

Donald Trump is a loud, outlandish real estate tycoon from New York City who loves publicity and ripped off contractors, customers, tenants and banks equally. He and his father were sued for race discrimination in not renting to African-Americans in their rental properties. Builders and contractors renovating and maintaining his properties were told to sue him when he stopped paying them. American banks refused to lend him any more money because he defaulted and declared bankruptcy six times.

40% of America believe he's the greatest thing since sliced bread
60% don't

The Dead Cat Strategy

Let us suppose Trump is losing an argument. The facts are overwhelmingly against him, and the more people focus on the reality the worse it is for Trump and his agenda . His best bet in these circumstances is to perform a maneuver that a great campaigner describes as 'throwing a dead cat on the table, There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the table, everyone will shout, “Jeez, there’s a dead cat on the table!"

In other words, they will be talking about the dead cat the subject Trump wants them to talk about and they will not be talking about the issues that has been causing them so much grief.

Trump apparently has an endless supply of dead cats, seemingly able to conjure them from insignificant news stories and throw them on the boardroom table by way of an angry tweetstorm. The media loves this because they know that people eat it up, whether they’re Trump supporters who share his “rage” or critics who are repeatedly appalled by his antics.