Donald Trump was walking in front of the White House one day and saw a
little girl with a toy stroller.

Inside the stroller were three newborn Puppies.

Trump asked the little girl

"What kind of Puppies are those?"

The girl replied, "They are Republican Puppies".

Trump thought this was so cute, he raced back to the White House to get
Ivanka and took her to the same sidewalk to meet the little girl.

"Watch this" and he again asked the girl what kind of Puppies they were

"They are Democrat Puppies"

Trump was aghast and upset
and asked what happened in the ten minutes I was gone"

"Oh, while you were gone, they opened their eyes."

Donald Trump: Who's Michael Flynn?

Trump: "Michael Flynn? the name doesn't ring a bell with me Who was he? some low level volunteer that brought me coffee"?

Interviewer: "He was your National Security Adviser".

Trump: "Oh that guy. He was only in that position for 3 weeks. I guess that's why I don't remember him"

Interviewer: "But Mr. Trump, he was on your campaign trail chanting Lock her up, Lock her up".

Trump: "oh yeah, I think I might remember him. I thought you were talking about Michael Douglas".

Interviewer: "Mr. Trump, how do you feel about the special counsel investigating Donald Jr and Jared Kushner"?

Trump: "Who are they"?

Interviewer: "One is your son and another one is your son in law".

Was Trump including himself with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama when he said

No one is above the law, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will say anything, do anything to keep their grip on power, to keep their control over our country

Obama (D) - 8yrs in office. zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences. so the next time somebody describes the Obama administration as "scandal free" they aren't speaking wishfully, they're simply telling the truth.

Voters believed 24 years of Republican propaganda, and slander about Hillary Clinton without any real evidence.