Why Would Anyone In Their Right Mind Follow The Trump Agenda
Donald Trump Has A Narcissistic + Sociopathic Personality Disorder

Treatment can help, but this condition can't be cured

38% of Americans believe that It's OK to have a United States President That is a racist, bigot, sexist, and white supremacist
That Should Scare The Hell Out Of Everyone

Narcissist. Symptoms include an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of entitlement.

Lying and cheating and humiliating others at his rallies and grinding them into dust in order to triumph is not just bad behavior. It is a serious mental illness.

I don’t think Trump's cruelty is coincidental to his appeal. His bigotry, his racism, his meanness that is why people like him. I think that is the core of his appeal for a certain part of the public.

Donald Trump is a loud, outlandish real estate tycoon, who loved publicity and ripped off contractors, customers, tenants, and banks equally. He and his father were sued for race discrimination in not renting to African-Americans in their rental properties. Builders and contractors renovating and maintaining his properties were told to sue him when he stopped paying them. American banks refused to lend him any more money because he defaulted and declared bankruptcy six times.

Sociopathy itself is a sign of a very sick individual, someone with a lying, cheating and emotional disorder. The intersection of those two occurs in sociopathy. It is not just bad behavior that people have to lie and cheat the way he does, it is an incapacity to treat other people as full human beings. That is why his focus is on humiliating others to aggrandize himself, as he did in the Republican primaries when he was debating and calling people names.

The same thing applies to Hispanic immigrants and separating the children from their parents for a wall. That is a very, very serious mental and emotional problem. Normal people have normal empathy. It is part of being a human being. Lying and cheating and humiliating others and grinding them into dust in order to triumph is not just bad behavior. It is a serious mental illness.

His policies are appalling. Letting industry pollute rivers! In whose mind is that good? Letting mental patients have guns!! WTF? Overturning all progress on global warming and returning to fossil fuels. Imposing tariffs that have led to a trade war so smaller demand and fewer jobs in the long run.

Taking hard-won healthcare from those who need it most and giving himself and his billionaire friends a massive tax cut that they do not need and the nation does not need.

Siding with those who oppose democracy. Who tramples on voting rights, who gerrymander and sometimes worse. By talking about punishing those who have abortions, by mocking disabled people, by saying neo-Nazis are good people he shows himself to be a thoroughly rotten and despicable human being.

The Spanish claim to California, New Mexico, and Arizona began within a generation of Columbus' first voyage, for exploration in the 1530s and 1540s opened the first phase of Spain's assumed title to the area. By the end of the century, Spanish settlers had advanced into Sonora and New Mexico establishing an effective claim by virtue of actual possession. Villas, presidios, mines, ranches, farms, and missions began to grow in both frontiers in the 17th century. Settlement of California would not take place until 1769 when Governor Gaspar de Portola led the founding expedition there.