Why do Democrats still think that Trump is insane, evil, and a terrible president when there’s economic growth, more jobs, and record highs in the stock markets?

Actually, it isn’t just Democrats. It is pretty much anyone who believes in a democracy that despises Trump. Indeed anyone who believes in decency.

All around the world, you will find very few decent people who approve of Trump and that is because he is a disgusting human being. There is nothing noble about him. He speaks without elegance. His words are simplistic and his thoughts are mean, greedy and selfish. He appears to be a racist, a narcissist, egotistical and shallow. He thinks everything is about him when actually he should be a public servant. He is profoundly ignorant and gives the impression that he never reads his briefs, which is presumably why he has started having summit meetings without any briefs.

He is a misogynist(is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls) and seems to think that the world can be run as though it is a brawl in a bar. All through his career, he has ripped off suppliers and contractors, often destroying careers and lives and now thinks he can run a country in the same way.

He undermines NATO and questions its rules! He declares the EU, full of America’s closest allies and all democracies, to be a foe! He harangues democratically elected leaders and America’s traditional allies. Yet he praises blood-soaked dictators and authoritarian leaders.

He has no grace and no class and makes our country look ridiculous on the world stage. He gave Kim Jong Un everything he wanted with nothing in return. In Helsinki, he looked like exactly what he is, Putin’s poodle.

His policies are appalling. Letting industry pollute rivers! In whose mind is that good? Letting mental patients have guns!! WTF? Overturning all progress on global warming and returning to fossil fuels. Imposing tariffs that have lead to a trade war so smaller demand and fewer jobs in the long run.

Taking hard-won healthcare from those who need it most and giving himself and his billionaire friends a massive tax cut that they do not need and the nation does not need.

Siding with those who oppose democracy. Who trample on voting rights, who gerrymander and sometimes worse. By talking about punishing those who have abortions, by mocking disabled people, by saying neo-Nazis are good people he shows himself to be a thoroughly rotten and despicable human being.

Anyone who understands the modern world, that most nations cooperate together in order for us all to be rich, know that not everything can or should be a zero-sum game. Trump does not understand that and so like Putin wants others to lose, not just for the US to win. By taking that attitude Trump could well return the world to the great power brawls of the eighteenth century. There is no need for this as the US created an interdependent rules-based world system that has served us well since 1945.

It is that profound ignorance that Trump constantly shows that is the most disturbing.