What's something you find confusing or peculiar about Trump supporters and why?

I have a neighbor who supports Trump unquestionably.
He only watches Fox news and listens to Limbaugh on radio because he is convinced everything else is fake news.
He is a Tea Party Republican.
He believes that there is a “deep state” supported by billionaires like George Soros and the liberal controlled media.
He believes Obama was a socialist, implant by the deep state.
He believes Hillary Clinton had several people murdered to cover-up her theft of millions of dollars through the Clinton Foundation.
He believes that the FBI is part of the deep state. He is convinced that the Muller investigation is a bogus witch hunt.
He believes the Democratic party has become hijacked by socialist who want to take away the second amendment, take away private property rights, provide free healthcare for all, subsidize income and provide free college and or professional education for all.
He believes that Democrats want open borders so that millions of illegal immigrants will become supporters of the Democratic party.
He believes these illegal aliens will get free everything: welfare, health services, education, housing and of course, citizenship.
He is so fearful, resentful, and hateful that he went out and bought a shotgun last week to defend his family against the violent attacks against conservatives from the liberal mob.
He believes Trump never had affairs with Stormy Daniels or Karen McDougal.
He believes Trump is constantly attacked by vicious lies from the liberals.

I asked if he ever researched anything Trump has said publicly to verify accuracy or truth and his reply says it all:
“All those supposedly fact check internet sites are controlled by liberals, you can’t depend on them for the actual truth”

In a word, my friend has been brainwashed by the far right. Extremism has split our country into two tribes.
Putin is very pleased with his accomplishment.