I live in Florida. a red state that is governed by the National Rifle Association, the Tea party, a right to work state, unions keep out enough said.

Where I live is not redneck country. There is just a distaste and distrust for people not like them (which I am sure includes me.)

Democrats appeal to reasoning the capacity for consciously making sense of things, establishing and verifying facts, applying logic, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information. ... Reasoning is associated with thinking, cognition, and intellect.

The GOP went wrong when they became the party of God. (Thus becoming the American Hezbollah.) No compromise. Stand on principle. Claim to have God's blessings. Attack your opponents as doing evil. It started when Ronald Reagan embraced Billy Graham. The evangelicals slowly took over and it's been getting worse.

People may believe in the Evangelico GOP because they are against abortion and gay marriage .. it's a smoke screen voters , the GOP only cares for the top 1%, but enough is never enough when you're in a position to acquire more

Add in a 24-hour-a-day outrage-generating machine like FOX News, and you have the recipe for the rise of Trump. FOX News was created to keep the base angry - and they're good at that. Angry people get out to vote...

Jeff Sessions, a Methodist who has long enjoyed the political support of white Evangelicals, Scott Pruitt, and VP Mike Pence are Evangelicals

Repugnant Republicans

Dumb Republicans

Dumb Republicans Compilation