Hot Fudge Sauce

    Yields: 6 1/4 cup / Unit=1
    Calories: 60, Fat:0, Fiber: 1/2

    WW Boards


      1 (4 serving) box Jell-O chocolate SF cook and serve pudding
      2/3 C dry milk powder
      1 1/4 C water
      1 tsp vanilla
      2 tsp RC margarine
      1/2 C mini marshmallows

    Combine pudding mix, dry milk powder, add water and cook over medium heat stirring constantly with a wire whisk until mixture thickens and starts to boil.

    Remove from heat and stir in vanilla, margarine and marshmallows, stir till margarine and marshmallows are melted. Can be refrigerated and reheated in microwave, (about 30 seconds)