when my brother offered to give me his webtv unit i was cool to the idea,and now i must confess an addiction to the has been one of my few pleasures at a time in my life that,frankly has been hell the last few months. there is so much i have done with webtv:researching lyme's disease,shopping for a printer,and listening to karaoke are a few examples.many of my favorite merchants are on the is like having a shopping mall and the ny public library in one place. having an outlet and public forum to express my thoughts and emotions has been a lifelong fantasy as i came to appreciate great artists:writers,movie directors,actors,painters,and singer. i thank tripod for the opportunity to build a website. and my brother and sony. talk to you later


This has been my year of hell,and part one has been my feeling debilitated since December 2000 with what I believe to be Lyme Disease.(I jumped to the wrong conclusion).

This piece from "Lyme Comments" expresses one experience(of a few) I had at the ER:

ER doctor #3: "So, you think you have lyme, eh?  How long have you missed work? Having fun with the time off eh?"  Yeah, I just love spending 11 hours in an Emergency Room feeling like my eye will explode

Answers:yes,6 months,NO!
Updated Answers(9/3/02):no,1 year,NO!

I was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis with myelopathy on January 31,2002.This is arthritis in the neck with spinal cord impingement.The doctor who made the diagnosis,a neurologist,had made this determination based on a MRI(August 2001).I did not immediately follow up the MRI with an appointment.

The Emergency Room doctor gave me good advice:get with a doctor,and stay with him until he can figure out what is wrong with me.I did not take her advice,and wasted five months trying to find a doctor who would diagnose me with Lyme disease.My primary care physician could not find an answer,but his referral,the neurologist,made the diagnosis.

Here is a short article on the diagnosis and treatment of cervical spondylosis:

Cervical spondylosis


i describe myself as a cynical realist and tend to see the bad side of humans.although,i am optimistic about the future.the tons of technology has to make things better in many ways.(and worst in many ways:think a-bomb.) Having had a debilitating disease has not changed my way of thinking,except I am more sympathic to people who are in pain and suffering. have observed the world from many angles.politics,history,economics and natural science have been on my daily agenda.the webtv unit has made the task easy.entertainment has been a priority:music,movies,and tv at the top of the list. talk to you later


Sig Services
how to have your photographs transferred to webtv
the place to start with html basics
what you need to know about editing images.
Heart Information Network
i was diagnosed with mitral valve.good place to start for info
Anita's hiding place
I had been undiagnosed with cervical spondylosis with myelopathy when I became convinced that I had Lyme disease.Unfortunately, this beautiful website,friends' suggestions,and one positive Lyme test led me to the wrong conclusion.
Lyme Disease Network
Tons of information about Lyme Disease
Webtv friendly website for web page building
Discussion board about lyme disease
Cheryl's Lyme Disease Page
Many links to lyme disease pages.The place to start for information about Lyme Disease.
My favorite website.Many services.
Star Trek
I am a trekkie.The official Paramount website.
E-Mail Me

Having this debilitating chronic disease has made me aware of the misery that these illnesses can cause.This image(created for those who suffer from Lyme disease) symbolizes the reality:

Helpful Newsgroups And Websites

Spinal degenerative bone disease,pain,surgeryAdvice,information,venting.This newsgroup is essential for anyone who has chronic pain or illness.(I have cervical spondylotic myelopathy,and have had two surgeries).There is also just fun and humor.

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This is courtesy of,and has many tools,a great website.