Place a marquee at top of E mail page.
Place on top of signature box after first HTML tag.

Place an image at the top of an E mail page.
Place on top of signature box after first HTML tag.

Place text over an image.
You can change text, size, or color to suit yourself.

Create a dividing line.
You may change the absheight and abswidth to the width and height you want, from 1 to 550.

Place an image over top of another image.

This code will load your pages faster, place it right after the first HTML.

This code will make an image a clickable link.

Basic table code.
Three rows, and four colums.
You can make it larger by repeating the code.

This box has text styles, and the tags you need to use for these effects.

bold strong italicized underlined big small superscript subscript strikeout


This works on E mail also.
Reload the page to catch the effect if it has stopped.
Put in your name, change width, loop, etc.

You can change the size, color, and effect of your text by using these codes.