Virginia Tech College April 17, 2007

In Honor of the living.. In Memory of the dead.
I'm Barbara, aka THE LIONESS. A growl of welcome to you! This is a family safe site. My partner in this venture is LADYDOG. You will be hearing about her throughout the site. And I will be telling you all about her a little later. But this is what she looks like. Of course thats me at the top.
I have learned so much in the three years I have been on the web that all my pages are either getting a major face lift or being redone completely. The ones not being redone may not have the images in them as I have changed my inventory. Please feel free to look around and stay as long as you like. Reloading/Refreshing the pages may be necessary to view new additions. Also this is where I will post new pages or information, such as a disclaimer...READY NOW...see bottom of page! I am still learning so check back often and see the progress. Please click on INDEX below for a list of my pages. "PC users" pease click on the "WEBTV LOGO" to download a FREE Webtv(Msntv) Veiwer. Thanks for visiting and come back soon. L&L
Check out the E-mail funnies.. they are NEW and not bad if I say so myself!
My Index page has been replaced!! I have put the Image and Background Index in the list. It is still in progress but most of the Backs are done. Please Transload/Upload to your own space or they "Will" disappear.... Any image or back on my site that aren't to be listed in the free img/back pages are copyrighted and/or at the request of the webmaster where I acquired them. Please respect their wishes and only take the ones I have in the Free Domain lists. L&L
Click below for a list of pages.

Please if you find broken links, have a comment, suggestion, idea, or just to say hi feel free to
Page made and designed by: Lioness Page Refreshed: 10-16-2005
Disclaimer: Anything contained in, not contained in, assumed to be implied by, warranted by, excluded from being warranted by, or vaguely alluded to in this document, or any other document resembling or not resembling this document in any way, shall not be attributed to, blamed upon, or otherwise associated with the named author, any alleged author, the sender, any of the sender's friends, enemies, or acquaintances, or MSNTV, or any other associated company in any city, county, state, province, or country, nor shall any of the aforementioned parties be held responsible, irresponsible, accountable, discountable, or in any way involved with the aforementioned document or the presence or absence thereof.