~*~ CHAPTER 85 ~*~

image of name puppies
image name 5 weeks old half size
line of bones

May 24,2016
image of pups in kennel
Puppies are 5 weeks old now
line of bones

Mother and pups
Mother Beauty and her puppies
line of bones

image of puppies
Puppies playing with their blanket
line of pawprints

pups having fun
Puppies having fun chewing their blanket
line of bones

image of puppy
image of puppies

image of pup
line of bones

image of pups
Mother Beauty and her pups
image of line of bones

image of hunter
Hunter is 5 weeks old.
line of bones

image name Hunter half size
image of hunter
image of bones

NEXT - Chapter 86

~*~ List Of Chapters ~*~

All photographs and text are ©2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
