~*~ CHAPTER 90 ~*~
image name hunter and thor
sign 4 months old half size
image of blue marks
August 14,2016
image of dog
image blue marks image of thor seeing shadow
Thor looking at his shadow
image of blue marks
Image of hunter and thor by fence
Hunter & Thor are 4 months old
image blue marks
image of hunter and thor in pool
Pool Party
image blue marks
image of thor in pool
Thor cooling off in the pool
image of bluemarks
image of hunter and thor in pool
Hunter & Thor in the pool
image of blue marks
hunter on bench
Hunter resting on the bench
image of blue marks
hunter asleep on bench
Hunter fell asleep on the bench
image of blue marks

NEXT - Chapter 91

~*~ List Of Chapters ~*~

All photographs and text are ©2022,203DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
