~*~ CHAPTER 98 ~*~

hnt name
 sign 9 months old half size

January 8,2017
image of Thor in snow
Thor loves the snow

image of barline

image of Hunter on stoop
Hunter on the stoop

image of barline

image of Hunter on stoop
Hunter has snow on his nose

image of barline

image of our dogs
Hunter & Thor are nine months old now

image of barline

Thor loves to eat the snow

image of barline

image of Hunter and Thor wrestling
Hunter & Thor wrestling in the snow

image of barline

image of dogs playing peekaboo
Hunter & Thor playing peekaboo

image of barline

Hunter & Thor love the snow

image of barline

image dogs running in snow
Hunter & Thor running in the snow

image of barline

NEXT - Chapter 99

~*~ List Of Chapters ~*~

All photographs and text are ©2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
