~*~ CHAPTER 34 ~*~

34 pawprints

one ani pawprintone ani pawprint

name banner

One Day Short of Three Weeks Old

That is my Brother Texas in the front of the picture and that's me in the back.
Both of us had deposits before we were even born.

Image of two males

The person who put down the first deposit on a black and white male Siberian Husky puppy with blue eyes,gets to pick their puppy first.
There was only my one black and white Brother and I to choose from.

34 pawprints

It was time to choose which puppy they wanted.
First they had to see the white patches of fur on our backs before the final decision was made.

billy back

This is the white patch of fur on my back.
The patch looks like Italy,a boot or Long Island.

34 pawprints

This is my Brother and you can see the white patch of fur on his back.
It looks like Texas.

brother back

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Their decision who to choose is about to be made in this picture.
My new Human Mom is holding my Brother but as you can see by her hand she is about to pick me as their choice.

2 puppies

Not only was I chosen but they already had a name for me.
Billy is my name.
I will be staying at home with my Mom,Dad,Brother,Sisters and all the other Huskies until I'm a little older.
Right now,I'm only one day short of three weeks old .

34 pawprints

This is Dad and he has red fur.

puppies father

Dad's name is Thunder Love

love banner

34 pawprints

Thunder Love is not the only Love.

picture of Max

There is also Max Love.
He just became a Father on Nov 9,2005.

line of 34 paws

This is Max's mate and four of their six puppies.

white husky and 4 pups

Pups are only one day old.

line of 34 paws

Here's the other two pups

6 pups

There are two red pups,three grey pups and one light tan pup in Max and his mate's litter of six.

line of 34 paws

I will be adding more pages and photos to my website as I grow older.

Thank you for stopping by to visit my website home.

~*~ Billy ~*~

NEXT - Chapter 35
Billy Four Weeks Old
Billy,Thunder Love & Max

All photographs and text are ©2005-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
