~*~ CHAPTER 41 ~*~

Image 9 milkbones

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January 19,2006
Twelve Weeks And Six Days Old


"I always start my day with a
prayer of thanks for my great new home."

Image 9 milkbones

billy on bed

"Now! This would make a great dog bed."

Image 9 milkbones

billy looking in mirror

"Hey! I have a twin?"

Image 9 milkbones

Image billy

"Ma,did I grow more yet?"

Image line of bones

billy 2 months old

"What do you mean we measure our
growth against a wall chart?"

Image line of bones

billy in chair

"I'm just keeping the chair warm
till you come back."

Image 9 milkbones

Image billy at window

"A day to dream of pulling sleds
and being with friends."

Image line of bones

arch back billy

"Is it time to go outside and exercise yet?"

Image 9 milkbones

NEXT Chapter 42
Billy - 5 Months Old

All photographs and text are ©2005-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
