~*~ CHAPTER 43 ~*~

Image 10 green paws

Image name billy

Five Months Old

Image billy's shadow

"I have heard of the many great and fine dogs,my owner has grown-up with.

She tells me all their spirits and love will always be by my side.

She calls it the Disanno Shadow."

Image 10 green paws

Image billy

"She tells me they can't be seen.

They can only be felt inside your heart,when you have earned the right to be apart of their team."

Image dancing lepImage dancing lepImage dancing lepImage dancing lep

Image 10 green paws

Image billy

"You must be a faithful,loyal,courageous and obedient dog to be on the team.

I think I can be that.

My owners are great guardians.

They really love me."

Image of 10 green paws

image of billy

"I will ask for guidance and strength from the Shadow."

Image 10 green paws

Image of dancerImage of dancerImage of dancerImage of dancerImage of dancerImage of dancerImage of dancer

Image of siberian husky Billy

"I will try my best!"
Image 10 green paws

NEXT - Chapter 44
Billy - 8 Months Old Page 1

All photographs and text are ©2005-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
