~*~ CHAPTER 45 ~*~

Image of 10 silver pawprints

Image of name billy

8 Months Old

Image billy in chair

"I'm getting out of "our" chair"

Image of 10 paws

Image of billy by cage


Image of 10 silver paws

Image of billy

"Mickey,see how tall I got."

Image of 10 silver pawprints

Image of billy with bone

"Snack time!"

Image of 10 silver pawprints

Image of billy

"We're going out!"

Image of 10 silver pawprints

Image of dog standing

"I'm ready for my leash."

Image of 10 silver pawprints

NEXT - Chapter 46
Billy 8 Months Old

All photographs and text are ©2005-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved
