~*~ CHAPTER 52 ~*~

welcome sign

The month of December 2015 was the warmest December on record.
On December 24,2015 the temperature was 68 degrees in New York.
People were walking around in shorts and tee shirts.
There would be no "White Christmas" on Christmas Day.
Many people said they would go sunbathing at the beach
because the weather was so warm.

image of snow ball line

December 20,2015 - Billy
Image of billy on the stoop
"December! I can smell snow in the air."

image of line of 3 snowmen

December 20,2015 - Billy
billy looking at plant
"I will look for the snow."
"It has to be here somewhere."

imageimage of snow couple

December 20,2015 - Billy
Image of billy in yard
"Where are you keeping it all?"


December 20,2015 - Billy
billy looking into pumpkin
"Not even a drop of snow in here."
"Where oh where are you my friend the snow."

image of snowman collector sign

January 2,2016 - Billy
Image of billy in chair
"I'm just going to sit right here till the snow arrives."
"Please bring my dinner in here."

image of hello winter sign

January 5,2016 winter has finally arrived with winter temperatures.
Day time .... 27 degrees in New York.
Night time .... 20 degrees in New York.
Maybe we will have snow someday soon!

image of snow man family

NEXT - Chapter 53
Billy - Just A Little Snow!

List Of Chapters

All photographs and text are ©2005-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
