~*~ CHAPTER 30 ~*~

sign Tiki,Willie and Santiki

Image Happy Halloween sign

image of spirit button

image of house

image of witch and cauldron

image line of pumpkins

image of sled

image pumpkin lights

Let's Go Huskies


Woo! Woo! Let's all Woo Woo the Husky team on!

Listen,do you hear the Woo Woo of the husky team coming your way?

Let's go Huskies ! Let's go Huskies !

Let's see those speedy paws fly over the snow.

Friends,Snow,Pool Parties.

Let's join those Huskies in their fun at the Animal Kingdom.

image of pumpkin lights

image of 3 ghosts with signs

Keep Our Dreams Alive


Come,join us,help the teams pave their way to the Milky Way.

Some of the teams consist of Huskies,Cats and even Gophers.

There are no losers at the end of the race.

All the participants are great.

All work and play together.

We cheer and root for one another.

For we all live in the Animal Kingdom.

Where it is peaceful and we have our freedom.

With open spaces to roam.

What a great home.

So lets shout out a roar for the Teams, who keep alive our dreams.

image of 3 ghost by fence

image of treaters

image of 2 treaters


image of award image of doll with pumpkinimage of award

Tiki,Willie and Santiki are Milky Way Champions.

They won on Sept.17,2000 and on Sept.24,2000.

They are also three time Galaxy Quest Champions.

They won on Aug.13,2000,Sept.10,2000 and Nov.28,2000

image of huskies banner

image of frog image of purple teddywitch

image of orangeworrywartimage of black worrywart

image of ghostimage of cat costume

image of bags

NEXT - Chapter 31
Halloween Spirit Page - 2

All photographs and text are ©1999-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
